Modelling the
Abrams Vol. 1
(Pla Editions)


2 készleten

Kategória: Címkék: , , , , , ,


The Abrams Squad present their latest work special dedicated to all modellers and Abrams MBT enthusiastics.

A complete guide of how to model the Abrams tank splited in two volumes, where the reader will find a historial introduction, stories from veterans, specifications, modelling data and many articles.

In this first volume we’ll find six complete builds of  some of the most important modellers of the world:


1.- Introduction by Damon Burke

2.- History and evolution of  M1 MBT.

3.- The first of the Breech: M1 in REFORGER by John Murphy

4.- One shot, One Hit, One Kill: M1A1HA in ODS by Ricardo Merino and Jose Luis Lopez

5.- The picture for my Girlfriend: M1A1 AIM in KOSOVO by Lukasz Orczyc-Musialek

6.-Tal Afar Peace Keeper: M1A2 SEP1 in OIF by Chris Jerrett

7.- Path of Destruction: ABV in Afghanistan by Anthony Guarderas

8.- Aussie Abrams: M1A1 AIM in Australia by Pere Pla


126 pages, softcover




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