(Pla Editions)


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A special of Abrams Squad in which you will find a compendium of modelling techniques applied to the Bundeswehr AFV’s: NATO and Umtarnfarben camouflages, extra-detailing parts, anti-slip textures, how to paint wheels, weathering techniques, painting figures, applying camouflage nets, and many more.


3.- Bundeswehr in Abrams Squad

4.- ISAF GTK BOXER. Manuel Reinher

16.- GTK Boxer, References

18.- DINGO 2A3. Jorge López

30.- Dingo 2 References

32.- LEOPARD 2A6. Sven Frisch

42.- Leopard 2A6 Referencias

50.- PZH2000. Thomas Birzer

54.- PZH2000 References

56.- Mittleres Artillerie Raketen System (MARS). Gunnar Bäumer

68.- MARS References

70.- FLECKTARN, painting figures. Igor Gurochkin

76.- Bundeswehr in Miniature (1/35)


80 pages – Soft Bound – All texts in English


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